Keep queer and carry on: the art of becoming in Taiwan by River Lin

Keep queer and carry on: the art of becoming in Taiwan

River Lin

Performance artist River Lin dives into the dynamic history of the island's queer and Indigenous art scene

Left: ou Chun-Ming, Retreat, Journal by Pillow (Large set), 2006. Right: KUSO, Confession by Chun-ming at Age 47, 2007. Courtesy of the artist.
Left: ou Chun-Ming, Retreat, Journal by Pillow (Large set), 2006. Right: KUSO, Confession by Chun-ming at Age 47, 2007. Courtesy of the artist.
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Anchi Lin,  To The Shore, 2015, Photo by Anchi Lin[Ciwas].
Anchi Lin, To The Shore, 2015, Photo by Anchi Lin[Ciwas].
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