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Sara Sadik, Ultimate Vatos: Force & Honneur (Vol 1.), 2022. Courtesy of Galerie Crèvecœur, Paris.
Left: Catalina Ouyang, force of will (dog self), 2021. Right: Catalina Ouyang, reliquary corpus (lash of hope), 2021. Courtesy of Lyles & King, New York City.
Dominique White, May you break free and outlive your enemy, 2021. Courtesy of VEDA, Florence.
Edgar Calel, Ru raxalh ri Rua Ch’ ulew (The Greenness of the Land), 2022. Photo by Marcus Tragesser. Courtesy of the artist and Proyectos Ultravioleta, Guatemala City
Özgür Kar, DEATH, THE BULLY, 2022. Courtesy of Édouard Montassut, Paris.
Left: Elliott Jerome Brown Jr., No Title, 2022. Right: Elliott Jerome Brown Jr., No Title, 2022. Courtesy of Nicelle Beauchene Gallery, New York City.
Wang Tuo, The Second Interrogation, 2022. Courtesy of the artist and White Space, Beijing.
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