Left: Résidence de Lindre-Basse, centre d’art contemporain - la synagogue de Delme. Photograph by Oh Dancy. Courtesy of centre d’art contemporain - la synagogue de Delme. Right: Installation view of Jagna Ciuchta’s and invited artists’ exhibition ‘Pleine Lune en Poissons’, Les Capucins, Embrun, 2022. Photograph by f.deladerriere. Courtesy of the artists and Les Capucins.
Left: Résidence de Lindre-Basse, centre d’art contemporain - la synagogue de Delme. Photograph by Oh Dancy. Courtesy of centre d’art contemporain - la synagogue de Delme. Right: Installation view of Jagna Ciuchta’s and invited artists’ exhibition ‘Pleine Lune en Poissons’, Les Capucins, Embrun, 2022. Photograph by f.deladerriere. Courtesy of the artists and Les Capucins.
Julien Creuzet. Courtesy of the artist.
Julien Creuzet. Courtesy of the artist.
Left: La Chaufferie, Fondation Fiminco © Manu Abella. Right: Installation view of the exhibition ‘Freedom of Sleep’, Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, 2021. Photograph by Martin Argyroglo. Courtesy of the artists and Fondation Fiminco.
Left: La Chaufferie, Fondation Fiminco © Manu Abella. Right: Installation view of the exhibition ‘Freedom of Sleep’, Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, 2021. Photograph by Martin Argyroglo. Courtesy of the artists and Fondation Fiminco.
Left: Installation view of Camila Rodriguez Triana’s artworks, Poush, Aubervilliers. Courtesy of the artist and Poush. Right: Installation view of Ismaël Bazri’s artworks, Poush, Aubervilliers, 2023. Courtesy of the artist and Poush.
Left: Installation view of Camila Rodriguez Triana’s artworks, Poush, Aubervilliers. Courtesy of the artist and Poush. Right: Installation view of Ismaël Bazri’s artworks, Poush, Aubervilliers, 2023. Courtesy of the artist and Poush.
Left: Precious Okoyomon. Courtesy of the artist. Right: LUMA Arles. © Iwan Baan.
Left: Precious Okoyomon. Courtesy of the artist. Right: LUMA Arles. © Iwan Baan.
Cité Internationale des Arts, Marais location. © Maurine Tric – Adagp, Paris, 2023
Cité Internationale des Arts, Marais location. © Maurine Tric – Adagp, Paris, 2023