


「我喜歡與世界分享我的藝術收藏。每次收藏新作,我都會在小紅書與朋友分享。我通過收藏認識了不少藝術界的好朋友。例如將黃宇興的《河流 漩渦》(2015)介紹給的(拍賣行專家)田恒,這對我早期的收藏系列非常重要。同樣重要的還有收藏家關東元。在決定開始收藏藝術品之前,我帶著一瓶酒去探訪他,他的藝術收藏理論對我影響頗深。我也經常與朋友聚在一起他談論最近藝術圈的趣聞趣事,很有意思。」



Goudal is as interested in Copernicus and the deciphering of the sky before the invention of the telescope as she is in Buffon’s 18th-century theory on the history of the Earth. But above all else, she has been obsessed by paleoclimatology – the study of ancient climates – for several years. It is through this discipline that the artist seeks to retrace the evolution of the landscape without humans.

In 2022, she began to transcribe these evolutions through video. During the Rencontres d’Arles photography festival, she unveiled two films in the Église des Trinitaires: one of a jungle consumed by fire, revealing another setting behind it, and another of a forest transforming as its trees are submerged in a stream. For the first time, her sets are brought to life before the camera, while at the same time they surrender to the randomness of the actions she prompted.

Goudal continues to explore new territories through her project for the prix Marcel Duchamp. Now, she is surrounded by a film crew as though on a movie set, printing her landscapes on glass that she explodes with firecrackers, and on polystyrene that flames melt with a striking viscosity.

A few months after the presentation of these films at the Centre Pompidou, Goudal will inaugurate a colossal work at the new Blanc-Mesnil railway station, near Paris. The artist will use immense windows to stage a tropical greenhouse filled with exotic plants – some extinct since the Mesolithic period. Straddling not only the real and the fake, but also the past, present, and future, this permanent installation will remind viewers of one of art’s great powers: transcendence.



