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Artworks by Yan Xinyue. Photographs by Aurélien Mole and ofphotostudio. Courtesy of the artist and sans titre. Left: Twilight and dreams, 2023. Right: Healing, 2022.
Installation view of Simon Fujiwara’s exhibition ‘Who is Who-Dimensional?’, Gió Marconi, Milan, 2023. Photograph by Fabio Mantegna. Courtesy of the artist and Gió Marconi.
Oroma Elewa, Tom. The Money, 2021 (from the series ‘Area Babes and Ashawo Superstars’). © Oroma Elewa. Photograph by Aurélien Mole. Courtesy of the artist and In Situ - fabienne leclerc.
Erin Jane Nelson, Egg Bank, 2023. Courtesy the artist and Chapter NY, New York.
Artworks by Adrian Ghenie. Photograph by Trevor Good. Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Plan B Cluj, Berlin. Left: The Beginning, 2022. Right: Untitled, 2022.
Left: Bambanani Women’s Group, Body Map (Nondumiso), 2002. Courtesy of AIDS and Society Research Unit (University of Cape Town) and Bambanani Women’s Group. Right: Régis Samba-Kounzi, Sans titre # Jacqueline, travailleuse du sexe, vit et travaille à Bonadibong, le plus vieux quartier de prostitution de la ville, Douala, Cameroun, 2017. © Régis Samba-Kounzi
Ming Smith, American Womb, 1992. Courtesy of the artist.