Views of Frac Grand Large. Left: Photograph by Joséphine Lefebvre.
Views of Frac Grand Large. Left: Photograph by Joséphine Lefebvre.
Frac Grand Large. Photograph by Joséphine Lefebvre.
Frac Grand Large. Photograph by Joséphine Lefebvre.
Left: Installation view of exhibition ‘De leur temps (7)’, 2023, Frac Grand Large — Hauts-de-France, Dunkerque. In partnership with ADIAF © Photograph by Aurélien Mole. Right: Official poster for the Triennale Art & Industrie 2023.
Left: Installation view of exhibition ‘De leur temps (7)’, 2023, Frac Grand Large — Hauts-de-France, Dunkerque. In partnership with ADIAF © Photograph by Aurélien Mole. Right: Official poster for the Triennale Art & Industrie 2023.

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