Djabril Boukhenaïssi’s compositions have the color of memories. Between the purples, browns, and blues, blank spaces reveal the raw canvas support – like traces of oblivion or distant reminiscences. At the age of 14, Boukhenaïssi was dreaming of attending the École des Beaux-Arts, which he visited with his family when they were in Paris. He graduated six years ago, after studying with Djamel Tatah, whose images of solitude have probably left their mark on the atmosphere of Boukhenaïssi’s works. During those years, he frequently visited the Musée du Louvre to draw inspiration from the masters. Today, he fully integrates printmaking within his painting practice.

在這位德國藝術家於紐約貝浩登(Perrotin)舉辦的首次個展「When the Sun Hits the Moon」中,有幾幅畫作是初次亮相,主題為安東尼奧.卡諾瓦(Antonio Canova)的新古典主義雕塑中描繪的愛神厄洛斯與普姬幾乎接吻的場景。愛神不允許他的世間愛人看到他在光明中的樣子;當普姬拿著蠟燭對著愛神面龐的那一刻,這對戀人就永久地斷開了聯繫。Greven說:「我喜歡這個意象,因為我捕捉到的那一刻,他們還在互相對視,但未真正看見對方的面貌。他們仍處於黑暗之中,以內心注視和以內在擁抱。」


Djabril Boukhenaïssi
‘À ténèbres’
Lee Ufan Arles
Until September 1, 2024

Djabril Boukhenaïssi is represented Mariane Ibrahim (Chicago, Paris, Mexico City) and galerie Sator (Romainville, Paris).

Anaël Pigeat is an art critic, editor-at-large of The Art Newspaper, journalist for Paris Match, and curator.

English translation: Art Basel.

Caption for top image: Portrait of Djabril Boukhenaïssi, 2024.© art_beats - Felix von Boehm. 

Published on July 10, 2024.