深入認識亞洲極具前瞻性藝術運動 by Payal Uttam


Payal Uttam


Left: Yuki Katsura, Millipede, 1962. Right: Saori Akutagawa, Women XII, n. d. Courtesy of Nukaga Gallery, Tokyo.
Left: Yuki Katsura, Millipede, 1962. Right: Saori Akutagawa, Women XII, n. d. Courtesy of Nukaga Gallery, Tokyo.
Saori Akutagawa, God of Spring, 1954. Courtesy of Nukaga Gallery, Tokyo.
Saori Akutagawa, God of Spring, 1954. Courtesy of Nukaga Gallery, Tokyo.
Left: Fernando Zóbel, Júcar XXII, 1972. Right: Fernando Zóbel, La Plazoleta, 1975. Courtesy of Mayoral, Barcelona and Paris.
Left: Fernando Zóbel, Júcar XXII, 1972. Right: Fernando Zóbel, La Plazoleta, 1975. Courtesy of Mayoral, Barcelona and Paris.
Left: Atsuko Tanaka, Untitled, 1963. Right: Atsuko Tanaka, Work, 1967. Courtesy of Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Tokyo.
Left: Atsuko Tanaka, Untitled, 1963. Right: Atsuko Tanaka, Work, 1967. Courtesy of Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Tokyo.
Kishio Suga, Lines Wall, 2002, presented by Tokyo Gallery + BTAP at Art Basel Hong Kong 2019.
Kishio Suga, Lines Wall, 2002, presented by Tokyo Gallery + BTAP at Art Basel Hong Kong 2019.
Sofu Teshigahara, (Title unknown), 1966. © Sogetsu Foundation. Courtesy of Sogetsu Foundation and Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Photo by Kenji Takahashi.
Sofu Teshigahara, (Title unknown), 1966. © Sogetsu Foundation. Courtesy of Sogetsu Foundation and Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Photo by Kenji Takahashi.
Mao Xuhui, Night-Sounds of the Ocean, 2019. Courtesy of the artist and Soka Art, Taipei.
Mao Xuhui, Night-Sounds of the Ocean, 2019. Courtesy of the artist and Soka Art, Taipei.

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