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Payal Uttam
Left: Yuki Katsura, Millipede, 1962. Right: Saori Akutagawa, Women XII, n. d. Courtesy of Nukaga Gallery, Tokyo.
Saori Akutagawa, God of Spring, 1954. Courtesy of Nukaga Gallery, Tokyo.
Left: Fernando Zóbel, Júcar XXII, 1972. Right: Fernando Zóbel, La Plazoleta, 1975. Courtesy of Mayoral, Barcelona and Paris.
Left: Atsuko Tanaka, Untitled, 1963. Right: Atsuko Tanaka, Work, 1967. Courtesy of Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Tokyo.
Kishio Suga, Lines Wall, 2002, presented by Tokyo Gallery + BTAP at Art Basel Hong Kong 2019.
Sofu Teshigahara, (Title unknown), 1966. © Sogetsu Foundation. Courtesy of Sogetsu Foundation and Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Photo by Kenji Takahashi.
Mao Xuhui, Night-Sounds of the Ocean, 2019. Courtesy of the artist and Soka Art, Taipei.
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