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Ayesha Sultana in her studio. Photographs by Peyton Fulford for Art Basel.
Artworks by Ayesha Sultana. Courtesy of the artist and Experimenter (Kolkata, Mumbai). Left to right, from top to bottom: 1. Fold I. 2, 3. Untitled (Fragments), 2018. 4. Portal, 2019.
Artworks by Ayesha Sultana. Courtesy of the artist and Experimenter (Kolkata, Mumbai). Left: 4:04, 2021. Right: 16:57, 2021.
Ayesha Sultana in her studio. Photographs by Peyton Fulford for Art Basel.
Artworks by Ayesha Sultana. Courtesy of the artist and Experimenter (Kolkata, Mumbai). Left: Under the waves, 2022. Right: Form studies (detail).