巴塞爾藝術展50年:與Ulla Dreyfus-Best訪談 by Clément Dirié

巴塞爾藝術展50年:與Ulla Dreyfus-Best訪談

Clément Dirié

瑞士藏家Ulla Dreyfus-Best憶述Jeff Koon親臨她的派對和與伊朗末代王后法拉赫.巴列維本人會面的情景

Ulla Dreyfus-Best and Jeff Koons, Basel, 2002.
Ulla Dreyfus-Best and Jeff Koons, Basel, 2002.
Inauguration of Jeff Koons’s Wrecking Ball at Ulla Dreyfus-Best’s home in Basel, 2007. From left: Maja Hoffmann, Marc Spiegler, Annette Schönholzer, Cay Sophie Rabinowitz, Ulla Dreyfus-Best, and Sam Keller.
Inauguration of Jeff Koons’s Wrecking Ball at Ulla Dreyfus-Best’s home in Basel, 2007. From left: Maja Hoffmann, Marc Spiegler, Annette Schönholzer, Cay Sophie Rabinowitz, Ulla Dreyfus-Best, and Sam Keller.