This year's Survey sector features historical projects by 16 galleries, ten of which are new to the sector and seven of which are completely new to the Miami Beach show. Guests to the show will discover highly diverse presentations, both in the mediums explored as well as the themes.
For example, the Richard Saltoun Gallery will offer a wide selection of the politically charged works of Argentinian artist Edgardo Antonio Vigo, a vital figure in the Latin American avant-garde movement as a constant critic of both oppressive dictatorship systems as well as Western capitalist culture. New to the Miami Beach show, the Ceysson & Bénétière Gallery will present works by Claude Viallat and Noël Dolla, whose experimental approach challenged cultural production during a time of political and social unrest in France the late 1960s. Visitors stopping by the Henrique Faria Fine Art booth will find works on paper by Hércules Barsotti and Willys de Castro, two Neo-Concrete artists who, objecting to the cold and distant nature of the Concrete movement, sought to return warmth and life to abstract art.