Rosalind Nashashibi, Unstuck (detail), 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Grimm.
Rosalind Nashashibi, Unstuck (detail), 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Grimm.
左:《Weinende Frau》(1997),托馬斯.舒特,作品於沙尼市中心展出,圖片由Pietro Spartà藝廊提供;右:Pietro Spartà於托馬斯.舒特作品前,拍攝於2022年9月,照片由Louis Canadas為藝+巴黎:由巴塞爾藝術展呈獻拍攝
左:《Weinende Frau》(1997),托馬斯.舒特,作品於沙尼市中心展出,圖片由Pietro Spartà藝廊提供;右:Pietro Spartà於托馬斯.舒特作品前,拍攝於2022年9月,照片由Louis Canadas為藝+巴黎:由巴塞爾藝術展呈獻拍攝
Rosalind Nashashibi, Unstuck (detail), 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Grimm.
Rosalind Nashashibi, Unstuck (detail), 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Grimm.
Rosalind Nashashibi, Unstuck (detail), 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Grimm.
Rosalind Nashashibi, Unstuck (detail), 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Grimm.
Left: Rosalind Nashashibi, Unstuck, 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Grimm. Right: Rosalind Nashashibi. Copyright: National Gallery London, 2020.
Left: Rosalind Nashashibi, Unstuck, 2022. Courtesy of the artist and Grimm. Right: Rosalind Nashashibi. Copyright: National Gallery London, 2020.
