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Isabel Lewis、Lara Almarcegui及Recetas Urbanas工作室於巴塞爾Messeplatz演繹都市空間
今年的Messeplatz項目,Creative Team將策劃一場參與式裝置藝術,透過鼓藝工作室、瓦礫堆及由觀眾搭建的臨時建築物來探討公共空間的意義
Occasion hosted by Isabel Lewis for ´Tanz Im August´, Berlin 2015, photo by Vitali Wagner, courtesy of the artist
Recetas Urbanas,The schools grows, ESDM , Madrid 2016, Self-built classrooms, photo by Juan Gabriel Pelegrina, courtesy the artists
Isabel Lewis, Classic occasion, PEACE WEEKEND, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, photo b Neven Allgeier, courtesy the artist
Lara Almarcegui, Construction materials, Spanish Pavilion Venice Biennale, 2013 photo by Ugo Carmeni, courtesy the artist