Steam Express and Halts, 1993

Basel 2019
Steam Express and Halts

Temnikova & Kasela

Sculptural installation, mixed media; steam train: 70 x 400 x 300 cm, 2 halts: 120 x 60 x 60 cm each
Kaarel Kurismaa is best known for his pioneering work with kinetic and sound art in his homeland Estonia. Harmony between different means of expression make his works veritably enjoyable: flowing forms, contrasting colors, subdued sounds, pulsating or dimmed light, and movement are the common denominator. His pieces are soulful and theatrical, replete with human emotion. As in most of his objects, Steam Express and Halts (1993) has been put together with readymade furniture and pieces from hardware stores, as well as objects he finds laying around: lamp shades, a hand washing device from a century ago, dolls and mannequins. The piece speaks to a childhood memory. The posts signify the two train stops where he used to watch the trains go by. The sign system used by the rail workers was puzzling to the little boy; and such movements, sounds and sign systems have found their way into adulthood, although not in a cold and analytical form, but in the exact form of that particular childhood memory. The angel on top of the train is covered by steamy clouds from time to time, and it becomes apparent that humor and light satire are never too far off on the horizon.