M. K. Gandhi stayed in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh for a long time before the Indian independence and had started the Swadesh, Swaraj, and Sathyaghra movements. After his sudden death in January 1948, according to Hindu rituals, his body was cremated and the ashes were immersed at Jabalpur as well. Serendipitously, it all concluded where it all began!
Gandhi worked unceasingly and gave his life so that men and women of all creeds and races might dwell together, securely and prosperously, in India. In the present troubled time, we see so much violence, intolerance, and hatred among human beings, not just in India but all over the world. One can't help but seek solace in Gandhi and Gandhian philosophy of non-violence, peace, and compassion; teaching us all about the strength of humility. In Atul Dodiya's diverse oeuvre, Gandhi consistently remains the 'hero' for his paintings.
One can also see the abstract form, inspired by poet Rabindranath Tagore's paintings. In this context, the painting pays homage to two great souls India produced in the first half of the 20th century.