Pacita Sailing, 1983

Hong Kong 2019
Pacita Sailing


Other Materials
Acrylic, rick rack ribbons, painted cloth on stitched and padded canvas
270.0 x 140.0 (cm)
106.3 x 55.1 (inch)
Born 1946 in Batanes, Philippines Died 2004 in Singapore In the late 70’s, Abad devised a method of working she called trapunto painting. Characterized by vibrant color and accumulated material, trapunto was a technique wherein canvas is quilted and objects are layered on top: stones, sequins, buttons, mirrors, printed textile. These works traverse a diversity of subject matter from tribal masks and social realist tableaus to intricate underwater compositions. Paintings from her ‘Mask and Spirits’ series (1983- 1988) express her fascination with the mask as a motif in the various cultures she encountered. They exemplify her poetics at its most articulate, a point in her artistic practice wherein facets of her life and process – material, travel, technique – inform one another. Pacita Abad’s oeuvre is shaped by itineration; she lived in a bewildering number of countries: Bangladesh, Sudan, America, the Philippines. Her work reflects her trans-cultural experiences long before such discourses were felt in the art world. 帕西妲.阿巴德 1946 年出生於菲律賓巴丹 2004 年逝世於新加坡 帕西妲.阿巴德在1970年代後期自創 「簇絨」繪畫技法,特點是採用奪目耀 眼的色彩及層層堆疊的素材,將帆布縫 有柔軟襯芯後,在其表面疊上小石子、 亮片、玻璃、鈕扣、貝殼、鏡片及印花 紡織品等等。她的作品主題廣闊,包括 描繪一些部落的面具、關乎社會現實主 義的場景以至錯綜複雜的水底世界。幾 幅屬於「面具與精靈」系列(1983-1988) 的作品,展現藝術家對於曾接觸過的部 落文化中的面具圖案所帶着的一份迷 戀,並清晰地體現了她在藝術實踐中流 露的詩意美學。這種美學是她生活上與 創作過程中的各個方面,如物料、旅行 經歷及創作技巧,互相影響的結果。 阿巴德的創意源自她旅居孟加拉、 蘇丹、美國及菲律賓多國的經歷,早在 藝術界出現跨文化主題之前,她的作品 已開始呈現跨文化的探討。