Untitled, 2018

Hong Kong 2019

Ingleby Gallery

Work on Paper
Pencil, ink, acrylic and watercolor on paper
227.0 x 145.0 (cm)
89.4 x 57.1 (inch)
Born 1973 in Oban, UK Lives and works in London and Isle of Mull, UK In 2004, Charles Avery embarked on a lifelong project titled ‘The Islanders’, a painstakingly detailed fictional world that functions in parallel to our own. According to Avery, The Island is located in ‘the middle of an archipelago of innumerable constituents’. At its heart is the port city of Onomatopoeia, a town resembling at times the Scottish Hebrides and at others the East End of London. It is ringed by an elaborately constructed city wall suggesting the limits of Avery’s complex imaginary world. To understand it properly requires a leap of faith and a willingness to step over the threshold from our world into his. Elements of ‘The Islanders’ have been exhibited at various international venues. Avery represented Scotland at the 52nd Venice Biennale (2007), and was part of the GENERATION project (2014) at the National Gallery of Modern Art, celebrating 25 years of contemporary art in Scotland. 查爾斯.艾弗里 1973 年出生於英國奧本 現於英國倫敦和馬爾島生活及工作 查爾斯.艾弗里自2004年以來便致力 於名為「島民」的終身創作項目,鉅細 無遺地書寫一座與我們的世界平行並存 的虛擬島嶼。藝術家筆下的島嶼位於群 島之間,其心臟地帶是奧諾曼陀坡伊亞 (「擬聲市」),一個有時像蘇格蘭赫 布里底群島、有時又像倫敦東區的港口 城市,並有銅牆鐵壁重重圍繞,揭示這 複雜的想像世界當中的種種限制。要理 解這個地方需要巨大的信念,並真心願 意從我們原本的世界跨進這個虛擬世 界中。 「島民」系列的作品曾於多個國際場地 作展示。艾弗里曾代表蘇格蘭參與第52 屆威尼斯雙年展(2007),其作品也 見於蘇格蘭國立現代藝術美術館為慶祝 蘇格蘭當代藝術發展25週年而舉辦的 GENERATION project(2014)。