Everyday Maneuver, 2018

Hong Kong 2019
Everyday Maneuver

Chi-Wen Gallery

Single-channel Video, Colour, Sound, 5’57”

5+2AP (#4/5)
Yuan Goang-Ming (b.1965) currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan. Yuan Goang-Ming’s “Everyday Maneuver” is a video that documents the annual Wanan Air Raid Drill, when the hustle and bustle of Taipei comes to a halt the moment the air raid sirens sound over the city. From its inception in 1978, the drill is mandatory for all Taiwanese to join. Despite the lifting of martial law in 1987, the drill continues to take place nationwide every spring. Today this ritual serves as a reminder that the threat of annexation still lurks across the strait. At the same time, this everydayness of warfare conjures a ghost city in modern-day Taiwan that becomes the perfect selfie spot for Taiwanese young people.