Born 1950 in Takayama, Japan
Lives and works in Saitama, Japan
The 11-meter boat-shaped sculpture carved from wood has a carbonized surface fired entirely and saturated with tar — a production process evocative of primordial sacrifice. The boat represents a vehicle that moves us through the water’s surface or a field of liberation, and suggests acceptance and relief of all impulse. For this installation, Endo creates a composition of two ‘voids’ — a boat and a mirror — facing each other. The void is a subject central to the artist’s exploration, signifying an attraction and enchanted charm that draws all things into a limitless source of metaphysical imagination. Endo takes it to be a place with the potential to absorb or expel entities across border lines that delimit our everyday existence.
Image: Reference image, Void - Wooden Boat (2009), Toshikatsu Endo.
《空 — 木船,香港》
(2009 – 2018)
85 × 113 × 1100 厘米
1950 年出生於日本高山