Yesses Give Birth to Yesses, 2017

Hong Kong 2018
Yesses Give Birth to Yesses


acrylic on canvas
182.9 x 304.8 (厘米)
72.0 x 120.0 (吋)
Layering defines how the Chati Coronel has achieves her images. One can say that each canvas is a summary of the sweeps of underpaint that came onto the canvas as line, text or figuration before receiving a final coat. This last layer is always a silhouette of a familiar figure - Michelangelo’s Adam, Eve, the virgin - that acts like a window to an interior world or a portal to a dimension beyond.   This layering technique also evokes the notion that the multiplicity of creation stories out there suggests the not-too-far-fetched possibility of universes different from but co-existing alongside our own. Universes that shake our belief on the singularity of nature, whilst tracing a line that demarcates the limits of what we think we know.