Vote For Women (Marching Women), 2017

Miami Beach 2017
Vote For Women (Marching Women)

Andrew Kreps Gallery

Mixed Media
Archival marker on cardboard;
63.5 x 123.2 (cm)
25.0 x 48.5 (inch)
Andrea Bowers’s project for Kabinett continuesher ongoing series of drawings in marker onfound cardboard, inspired by DIY politicalposters. The imagery for these artworks comesfrom her own informal archive of powerfuldepictions of women in political illustrationsand pays homage to the illustrators whomade them. Bowers selected four suffragettegraphics that she slightly modified to exploreissues of contemporary relevance. Theslogan quote ‘Votes for Women,’ for instance,has been changed to ‘Vote for Women,’reflecting the need for more women in electedpositions of government. Thus, a pejorativegraphic from the 1910s becomes symbolic ofempowerment, especially when appropriatedin this climate of recent contemporary feministactivism and gender inclusivity.

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