No Limit Decending, 2017

Miami Beach 2017
No Limit Decending

Galerie Nagel Draxler

Spray paint, wax dye, oil pastel on linen
252.0 x 356.0 (cm)
99.2 x 140.2 (inch)
JPW3 engages with a variety of materials relating found, fabricated and raw elements for his experiments in painting, sculpture, installation, performance and holography. JPW3 is best known for his layered images and densely applied wax works. His paintings are made from colored papers, put on the canvas and dyed in different, subtle colors and covered with melted wax. When the wax becomes solid, the artists rips the papers away, taking parts of the wax with it. The result is a texture that resembles house facades where with paint coming off, or posters ripped of or completely washed. By this special technique, the artist distorts both the smooth surface of his support as well as recognizable visual motifs and in some of his works, the idea of symbolism is abstracted completely, with formal and conceptual resonance.