Family Album is an attempt to reveal the complexity of identity, particularly from a Tibetan cultural perspective. Seventeen of the artist’s family members appear as cut-out figures, lining what resembles a catwalk. The scene is framed by a long drape that at once references religious scroll painting and propaganda. The cut-outs are dressed for a variety of settings: work, traditional or holiday and personal costumes. The changing garments can be seen as an outward symbol of how they navigate these different settings, while the expressions and postures suggest a more nuanced perspective into how contemporary life is experienced. Through this personal work, the artist attempts to present a new story of Tibet, one that examines a remote culture that is now part of a globalizing world. He investigates representations of self and explores the boundaries between advertising, propaganda and self-promotion. “At the intersection of representation and interpretation lies a deep and vast area that is so complex and at the same time very beautiful. If my work is ambiguous, it is, perhaps, because this is where I find myself.”