Katharina Grosse is acclaimed for her immersive spray paintings that explore and expand the potential of the medium through site and circumstance. This approach combines a dynamic yet highly nuanced sense of color and event with the apparent weight and spectacle of large-scale sculpture. Parallel to her site-responsive practice, Grosse maintains a vigorous studio-based activity, producing paintings, works on paper and sculptures. Grosse’s six cast aluminum sculptures are painted individually by her in the studio, and are related to the works that formed part of her major installation at the Venice Biennale in 2015. The sculptures are set directly on to the floor, suggesting a sort of ‘natural’ setting that viewers can enter. This is Grosse’s first-ever presentation of cast aluminum sculptures outside of a site-specific installation.
以創作大型噴畫裝置而備受讚揚的 Katharina Grosse,喜愛利用展覽空間和空間提供的條件來探索並發揮藝術 媒介的潛能。她的創作手法是將鮮豔而細緻的用色和場 景結合到具份量的大型雕塑上,形成別具一格的壯麗景 觀。除了因應場地而製作的特定作品,Grosse 亦積極專 注在其工作室從事噴畫、繪畫與雕塑等創作活動。她為 2015 年威尼斯雙年展製作的六件鋁鑄雕塑就是在她的工 作室進行後續上色工序的,這些雕塑直接安裝在展覽場 的地上,產生「大自然」般的環境,讓觀眾進入其中欣 賞。Grosse 在那次展覽上首度擺脫特定場地裝置而展示 了鋁鑄雕塑。