Witherlands iii, 2016

Hong Kong 2017
Witherlands iii


canvas, oil paint
184.2 x 137.2 x 5.1 (厘米)
72.5 x 54.0 x 2.0 (吋)
Hanna Pettyjohn’s unexpected combinations of images and settings speak of her travels; things that she has brought back home from distant places as well as things she carries with her wherever she may go. As a sculptor working with clay, Pettyjohn developed a fascination with texture and a physical interpretation and expression of her ideas. The distinct qualities of each different material have been captured in as much detail in her paintings. Pettyjohn works with pure primary colors, white and raw umber, and she has said that she relished the challenge of applying the paint in different ways to express the varied textures. -Excerpt from Witherland by Matt Jones