Four Seasons, Between Summer and Fall, 2016

Basel 2017
Four Seasons, Between Summer and Fall

Galerie Bärbel Grässlin, Galerie Krinzinger, Victoria Miro

acrylic, oil, lacquer on canvas
Secundino Hernández's four large canvases are a new work in his monumental Four Seasons series. Their exceptional scale and intimations of the changing year create a panoramic experience. As with previous works in the series, the title – Four Seasons, Between Summer and Fall – reflects the time of year the works were produced. Hernández has described the process of creating these works as a reduction of surface, in which a white ground is held in balance with both the painted gesture and the ‘pure’ canvas underneath. Previous incarnations of this series of works have been exhibited at Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, in 2014, and at Yuz Museum, Shanghai, in 2015. Of his work, he has said: ‘Painting is a way of discovering things, of finding solutions, and developing my inner life. For me, the surface of the canvas is a playground, a tool to understanding the world. Technique is a never-ending process, a way to learn and to analyze and to see.’

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